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M3 Heat Inserts

M3 Heat Inserts

3D printed blasters are everywhere within the hobby and there has always been a drive to make them more robust. Screw ports have always been an issue as overtorquing a screw can strip threads and even delaminate your print. One way community creators have managed to do that is with these threaded inserts.


The basic operation of these doodads is you heat them up with a soldering iron and push them into a designated hole in your 3D printed blaster. Then when the insert cools, the plastic around it solidifies and you have a super secure anchor point for a M3 screw.


Many 3D printed blasters now use these instead of self tapping screws for assembly.



Thread size - M3

Recommended Hole Size - 4mm

Lenght - 5.8mm

Width - 4.6mm



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